Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Kalyug

Well, my this blog does not relate to astrology directly, but indeed it's interesting. I found some interesting stuff on Kaliyug on the net so wanted to share with you all. You can go through it, if you like it.

The famous quotation from the Bhagavad Gita, which is the holy book of the Hindus, is the basis of their belief that God (Lord Vishnu) takes birth on the earth as an Avatar or incarnation and as a saviour of the humanity in order to cleanse the world of evil and re-establish Dharma or Law when the human society reaches the nadir of moral and cultural values, and lose all awareness of what is right and wrong. The Hindu texts called Puranas tell the story of various Avatars of Vishnu, including his last avatar Buddha. The texts also prophesize of a future Avatar of Vishnu called Kalki who will appear at the end of the present age called the Age of Koli (untruth) or Koli Yug. Hindus believe that time revolves in a cyclical manner beginning with Satya Yug or the Age of Truth. Then comes Treta Yug, Dwapar Yug and finally Koli Yug. After that comes annihilation and re-initiation of the Satya Yug or Kritya Yug - the age of purity. Thus, the Hindus do not believe in the End of the World but in the cyclical nature of Time. The perspective of the Hindu religion is, thus, much wider than the Semitic religions and it automatically implies the fact that there were other human civilizations before the great flood, which is also mentioned in the Hindu texts.

The prophecies of the future Avtar Kalki has been mentioned in some of the Puranas, notably Vishnu Purana and Kalki Purana. These texts provide an amazing description of the signs of the Koli Age in which we are presently existing and the actions of Kalki in his endeavour of annihilating evil from the world. Much of the texts are full of religious and spiritual fervour and the names of the various persons mentioned there seem to be Hindu names and the names of places seem to be either places in India or in some cases unidentified places. We have to keep an open mind in this matter. All religions claim that the Messiah will come from their own religion and the names of persons and places mentioned are similar to their own. The truth is that the Messiah will not propagate any existing religion but will usher in the true path of spirituality, a sort of universal religion. It is possible that some of the names provided are close to the actual names of the concerned persons and places, inspite of being described in local terms.

The Signs of the Koli Age

"Those who are known as twice-born (Brahmins) are devoid of the Vedas, narrow-minded and always engaged in the service of the Sudras (low-born castes); they are fond of carnal desires, seller of religion, seller of the Vedas, untouchable and seller of juices; they sell meat, are cruel, engaged in sexual gratification and gratification of their appetite, attached to others' wives, drunk and producer of cross-breeds; have a low life-span, mix with lowly people and consider their brother-in-law as the only friend. They like constant confrontation and are fond of argument, discontent, fond of jewellery, hair and style. The wealthy are respected as high-born and Brahmins are respected only if they are lenders; Men are merciful only when they are unable to harm others; express displeasure towards the poor; talk excessively to express erudition and carry out religious work to be famous; Monks are attached to homes in this Koli Age and the homeless are devoid of any morality; Men of this age deride their teachers, display false religious affinity but tricks the good people; Sudras in Koli are always engaged in taking over others' possessions; in Koli, marriage takes place simply because the man and the woman agree to do so; Men engages in friendship with the crooked and show magnanimity while returning favours; Men are considered pious only if they are wealthy and treat only far-away waters (lands) as places of pilgrimage; Men are considered Brahmins simply because they have the sacred thread around their body and as explorers, simply because they have a stick in their hand; the Earth becomes infertile, rivers hit the banks, wives take pleasure in speaking like prostitutes and their minds are not attracted towards their husbands; Brahmins become greedy for others' food, the low-born castes are not averse to becoming priests, wives mix freely even after they become widows; the clouds release rain irregularly, the land becomes infertile, the kings kill their subjects, the people are burdened with taxes; they survive by eating honey, meat, fruits and roots; in the first quarter of the Koli Age, people deride God; in the second quarter, people do not even pronounce God's name; in the third quarter, men become cross-breeds; in the fourth quarter, men become the same (uniform) breed; nothing called race exists anymore; they forget God and pious works become extinct.

Well there is more available over this site.
Since i am sharing the content so i should share it's name also.

SO, hope you liked it, and go on to further reading.

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