Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Kalyug

Well, my this blog does not relate to astrology directly, but indeed it's interesting. I found some interesting stuff on Kaliyug on the net so wanted to share with you all. You can go through it, if you like it.

The famous quotation from the Bhagavad Gita, which is the holy book of the Hindus, is the basis of their belief that God (Lord Vishnu) takes birth on the earth as an Avatar or incarnation and as a saviour of the humanity in order to cleanse the world of evil and re-establish Dharma or Law when the human society reaches the nadir of moral and cultural values, and lose all awareness of what is right and wrong. The Hindu texts called Puranas tell the story of various Avatars of Vishnu, including his last avatar Buddha. The texts also prophesize of a future Avatar of Vishnu called Kalki who will appear at the end of the present age called the Age of Koli (untruth) or Koli Yug. Hindus believe that time revolves in a cyclical manner beginning with Satya Yug or the Age of Truth. Then comes Treta Yug, Dwapar Yug and finally Koli Yug. After that comes annihilation and re-initiation of the Satya Yug or Kritya Yug - the age of purity. Thus, the Hindus do not believe in the End of the World but in the cyclical nature of Time. The perspective of the Hindu religion is, thus, much wider than the Semitic religions and it automatically implies the fact that there were other human civilizations before the great flood, which is also mentioned in the Hindu texts.

The prophecies of the future Avtar Kalki has been mentioned in some of the Puranas, notably Vishnu Purana and Kalki Purana. These texts provide an amazing description of the signs of the Koli Age in which we are presently existing and the actions of Kalki in his endeavour of annihilating evil from the world. Much of the texts are full of religious and spiritual fervour and the names of the various persons mentioned there seem to be Hindu names and the names of places seem to be either places in India or in some cases unidentified places. We have to keep an open mind in this matter. All religions claim that the Messiah will come from their own religion and the names of persons and places mentioned are similar to their own. The truth is that the Messiah will not propagate any existing religion but will usher in the true path of spirituality, a sort of universal religion. It is possible that some of the names provided are close to the actual names of the concerned persons and places, inspite of being described in local terms.

The Signs of the Koli Age

"Those who are known as twice-born (Brahmins) are devoid of the Vedas, narrow-minded and always engaged in the service of the Sudras (low-born castes); they are fond of carnal desires, seller of religion, seller of the Vedas, untouchable and seller of juices; they sell meat, are cruel, engaged in sexual gratification and gratification of their appetite, attached to others' wives, drunk and producer of cross-breeds; have a low life-span, mix with lowly people and consider their brother-in-law as the only friend. They like constant confrontation and are fond of argument, discontent, fond of jewellery, hair and style. The wealthy are respected as high-born and Brahmins are respected only if they are lenders; Men are merciful only when they are unable to harm others; express displeasure towards the poor; talk excessively to express erudition and carry out religious work to be famous; Monks are attached to homes in this Koli Age and the homeless are devoid of any morality; Men of this age deride their teachers, display false religious affinity but tricks the good people; Sudras in Koli are always engaged in taking over others' possessions; in Koli, marriage takes place simply because the man and the woman agree to do so; Men engages in friendship with the crooked and show magnanimity while returning favours; Men are considered pious only if they are wealthy and treat only far-away waters (lands) as places of pilgrimage; Men are considered Brahmins simply because they have the sacred thread around their body and as explorers, simply because they have a stick in their hand; the Earth becomes infertile, rivers hit the banks, wives take pleasure in speaking like prostitutes and their minds are not attracted towards their husbands; Brahmins become greedy for others' food, the low-born castes are not averse to becoming priests, wives mix freely even after they become widows; the clouds release rain irregularly, the land becomes infertile, the kings kill their subjects, the people are burdened with taxes; they survive by eating honey, meat, fruits and roots; in the first quarter of the Koli Age, people deride God; in the second quarter, people do not even pronounce God's name; in the third quarter, men become cross-breeds; in the fourth quarter, men become the same (uniform) breed; nothing called race exists anymore; they forget God and pious works become extinct.

Well there is more available over this site.
Since i am sharing the content so i should share it's name also.

SO, hope you liked it, and go on to further reading.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Moon Sign

Hello everyone , have you ever thought about that when we talk so much of moon signs , what exactly they mean . In this blog i shall throw some of the light on this issue only , hope i will make you all understand to an extent what exactly moon sign means .

Well we all know the fact that the planers are continuously revolving in this zodiac , by zodiac i simply mean the sky or the universe in simple terms . The sky above us has been divided into twelve signs . Each sign covers 30 degrees , thus all of them cover 360 degrees , which is complete . Thus we can say that each of the planet at any time has to be in one of the signs , because the horizon above us divided in to them . If we take at present then moon would have be in one of the signs . So those born now will have the moon sign in which the moon is at present . Thus the placement of moon in a sign at our time of birth , gave us that moon sign .


In astrology moon rules our mind , that is why moon is given so much importance in vedic astrology . Also because of it's nearness to earth it has remarkable effect on mankind . If some one's moon sign is Cancer , that means moon is in his own sign and so very strong . This will imply that this individual has a very focused mind , not easily swayed , and has a calm nature . Also he will get love from his mother .

If moon sign is Aries for example , then Aries is ruled by Mars , which is an energy giving planet , so moon will inherit some of it's properties . These kind of people will have some type of aggressive thinking , or they will have energy in there thoughts , there is a possibility that they may have trouble in focusing there mind onto one single thing . Scorpio may hold a similar characteristics to an extent , because it is also ruled by Mars .

If moon sign is Taurus or Libra , then moon shall be placed in the sign of Venus . Thus one can say that these are people that are romantic to extent , whether they show off it or not , also they are fun loving people , they will love to travel to some extent , and want to look impressive .

If moon sign is Gemini or Virgo , then these people have a urge to talk more , because the hose is ruled by Mercury , they will love there younger , fluent in speaking , good calculations and have a business mindset .

If moon is in Leo , then they want to rule others , they want to live like kings , and they will be having some kind of energy in there thoughts . Also because of this they may try it tough to focus on a particular subject at a time . These kind of people can earn high positions in administrative jobs or government jobs .

For Sagittarius or Pisces people , these are very nice hearted and decent , because mind / moon is in the house of Jupiter and it gives the true knowledge . Jupiter gives them the possitive thinking , good teachers and good relations with them and they will excel in any field .

Capricorn and Aquarius are ruled by Saturn , that is moon is in the sign ruled by Saturn . If Saturn placement is good in horoscope then these will have logical thinking , ability to move on in life with patience in-spite  of adverse situations and a sightly dark complexion . However if Saturn is not placed well in horoscope then some adverse results may be seen , but this applies to all planets and signs.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

December 2009 Horoscope

The month of December shall mark some of the important astrological changes in the Zodiac . Jupiter shall move from it's debilitated sign Capricorn to Aquarius , Mercury shall move to Sagittarius and Sun will be in Scorpio which afterward will also move to Sagittarius . If we see these changes as per the country , then the movement of Jupiter shall provide profits in investments and investments could be seen in India . Well , for my readers the point of interest shall be whether these changes in the Zodiac shall benefit them or not , so as per rule we shall start with the first moon sign Aries .


Debilitated Mars in the house of comforts still creates problem at home . Indications of travel can be foreseen . Saturn in the sixth house , gives you strength to fight with any of your enemies and come out winning over them . However some problems in the leg portion or accidents can be seen . Further increase in luck and fortune by movement of Mercury to house of fortune . Jupiter shall increase your income further , make you visit to holy places , shall resolve the problems with siblings , in studies and in partnerships after 20 th Dec . Problems with females , spouse , and with father can also be seen .


At present you people do not have required amount of energy to come out winning of any trouble situation , also problems in the relations with your brother or it's health can also be seen . You may have an increase in your income or may get money from some where as it is depicted . With your spouse or in partnerships your attitude shall be two fold , some time you will be very kind and humble , where as some other time you shall burn with anger . Stars also warn that you shall watch your speech and use your energy in the correct direction . Problems pertaining in the job job should resolve after Jupiter transiting to your tenth house after 20 December . This shall also increase your accumulated money and resolve the problems at home .


Traveling to holy places , improvement in relations with your brothers , sisters , siblings and in studies can be predicted  after 20 December . If there are some problems at home they will continue . The Jupiter after 20 Dec shall also boost your fortune . You shall win over enemies by a combination of leadership and politeness. Communication with the spouse shall improve but still you shall watch your words .


Energy will be still down  till May 2010 and problems in the work area will b present , however you are putting you best efforts . You need to speak less as your words can create trouble with your friends and enemies can take advantage of it . Environment at home , profit in investment , and increase in your bank balance can be fore seen after 20 December .


You should not invest at this point of time . Speech needs to be watched at this time of time , also you should sound philosophical to others . Condition at home some times will be  nice and sweet and sometimes bitter . Problems with children or in studies will lessen up and some improvements will be seen . After 20 Dec women of this sign shall meet their mate or some proposals for marriage can be seen if you are that age , profits in partnerships shall also be there , and money will flow to you in some way or the other .


You have not too bad time at present . If there were some problems they were in studies , children , in fortune , and in work  area.  Now , after 20 Dec , you shall see improvement in your work area , you will benefit from investment and your accumulated wealth shall increase . So you may see improvements in all thses areas that i have mentioned .


Presently your home and your mind is at unrest . Also your health does not seems good and you are not feeling comfortable . There may be some profits from your investment . The work environment still is weak , there a problems related to job . However after 20 Dec , there are possibilities that you may receive some money , the source can be anything . There will also be an increase in the luck and problems in education and with siblings should lessen up .


You will have a  appearance  of a leader plus charm in you .  The environment at home will be cheerful after 20 Dec , also you will benefit from investment thereafter  , plus improvement in job will be seen . It is also adviced to watch your words before speaking , and also watch your throat as some problems can be seen .


During the end of the December  you shall travel to some holy places , your income will improve . If luck was not favoring you at present time then it will there after . Women of this sign shall find their love mate , or some proposal of marriage shall come , if they are at that age . The partnerships shall also be beneficial after 20 Dec.


You should not invest at anything or there can be a loss . Luck is not favoring you at present , but it will continue unless there be some good aspect on it , of which you will be informed . However after 20 Dec you will see improvements in your work area , plus your bank balance and any accumulated income would increase .


You will have a cheerful appearance , problems with siblings or in education shall improve , and you luck will rise , but all these after 20 Dec . However problems with income and in work area will persist , may be luck may give you some chances .


At present there  are problems with income , investment , work area , education and siblings . Some may be resolved after 20 Dec . Transit of Jupiter will improve your investments , maintain a pleasant atmosphere at home , give you a win over enemies and improve relations with friends .

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Rahu In Sagittarius

Rahu has moved into Sagittarius now , which is a debilitated sign for Rahu . For some of the signs Rahu will be giving good effects and for some bad ones . Rahu is a planet that if strong gives hyperactivity in the individuals, a debilitated Rahu may rise some criminal activities in the nation . It is advised that one must use his energy in the right way at this point of time . If we go according to moon signs then the following will be observed .( If you do not know your moon sign you can click here . For people with moon sign ...


You may see a slight favor in the luck , with Rahu sitting in the house of fortune , whereas some problems with source of income , brothers and in education or with your sibling may arise .


Health may be afflicted , problems in breathing , or some minor accidents may trouble you . Problem in your working environment and with your speech can also be seen .

Rahu in seventh house shows problems with your spouse , business , partnerships , health of your father , source of income , and low level of fortune . However expenses may decrease a bit .


Problems with friends may be resolved and enemy will defeat , however health problems and problems in the work area can be seen.


Some problems with your siblings and also in education can be predicted . Health of spouse and father may not be good .


Health of the mother , may worry you . Some health related problems of your mother can be seen , also problems at home can be foreseen .


Your courage will increase and you may come out of a trouble situation however the energy required for this will be low , but completely it is not a bad transition for you .


Problems with your speech , your money and with the health of you mother can be foreseen . You are advised to take care of your words as some problems because of them may rise in your work environment or there may be some minor problem in throat , take care of the health of mother also .


Hyper activity may increase a bit , and increase in your income may be seen or some profit in investment , investment here means not only mone money but anything where you put effort .


Problem in you health and source of income can be seen , however work environment may improve . you must take care of your eyes at present .


Some resource for source of income may increase or you may get some opportunity for source of income , any problems with your children or with your education may lessen up .


You may travel to some places , however problems in your work environment may not decrease up , but problems will enemies or friends will decrease .

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Effects of Mars in Cancer

Mars is a planet that is considered for energy . Mars in Cancer is debilitated , that means it loses it's strength and does not give good results . At present mars in cancer is reducing the energy of people . Not very late after mars came in Cancer the atmosphere got cold , and debilitated Sun added to it's effect . Mars also rules some of the matters related to Earth , like vegetables etc . It is because of this mars that the floods took place and the prices of vegetables got up . Mars when moved into a watery sign ( that is Cancer ) and got debilitated gave rise to floods in India .

Mars also rules fire , thus because of it loosing it's benefic tendency the reports for fire have been reported . This Mars may also weaken the relationship with brothers as it rules them also. The bad effects of mars can be avoided by a balance of Energy and your mind , so that you use your energy in the correct direction , and also by worshiping Lord Hanuman.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Venus entering Libra on 3 rd November

On 3 rd November 2009 , two astrological changes will observed in the Zodiac. First of all Rahu shall be leaving Capricorn and entering Sagittarius . Secondly Venus shall enter his own sign Libra . Venus entering Libra is a good sign for those who spend a lavish life . This transition shall invoke a tendency to enjoy luxurious life or spend money on it or in some way or the other related to it . For Aries natives this is a good time to spend some time with your love mate , the Venus is in your house of spouse , from there it will aspect the Lagn , so you will have a bright appearance that will attract people . For Taurus natives this transition will he occurring in the 6th house , so you will be enjoying you time with friends and will win over your enemies . For Gemini Venus will be entering your fifth house , so you will enjoy good timw with siblings , may be you both will be going for shopping or for some travel , some increment or if there were some troubles in income shall improve to some extent .

For Cancer natives this transition shall be in fourth house , so there is a possibility that you may plan some where to go out for trip or may buy some thing at home , this transition shall also reduce some problems at work area .
The Leo natives shall enjoy a good time with brother , and shall spent time in artistic things like listening to music etc .Some amount of good fortune also welcomes you .For Virgo natives Venus will be entering second house , so you may see some amount being added to your bank balance . You will also touch every one's heart by your words , you will have a loving voice at present . For Libra moon sign the Venus is entering your sign , so will have a charismatic personality and will spend time with your love mate .

The Scorpions will spend money on luxurious items , probably some artistic things , clothes , or visiting some place , etc . You may also spend some time with your friends . For Sagittarius natives , there can be some hike in income , or you may get some extra money from somewhere as the Venus remains in your house of income .
People with Capricorn moon sign shall enjoy your work environment for ex with music or interaction with some female(if male) , or probably some problems may get reduced at your work place or there may be some small celebration .

Aquarius people may see some favor in luck and there father's health is not good may improve some bit . Also the environment at home may improve there may be a bit of peace in your mind as well as your home , you may also enjoy some time with children.

For Pisces natives Venus will be in eight house , so you may see some unexpected events , this may be some unexpected trip , or going for shopping etc , but on the whole this may be some good event .

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Saturn and it's significance

Out of the nine planets in the zodiac the planet which threatens the people most is the saturn . As per the astrology saturn is considered as a malefic planet so it is considered as a planet that showers sorrows on people and make the life of people a hell . However if it occupies a ill house in one's birth horoscope then it gives fairly good results .

Now my experiences about Saturn is that , although it makes our times tough , but then it makes us capable of it . We all learn our skills to survive in our tough times only ,which shapes our future . "The way in which we face our tough times decide our future " . This is the view that saturn holds .

There is one more view to Saturn and it is that , by punishing us of our bad deeds it frees us from their torture . Because if we are punished for what we did then that is almost neutralized , so we do not have to face the tortures in the hell . Remember Saturn makes us responsible , it says respect not only your elders but also those that are poor and troubled , for we are children of the same lord so he can not see that one child dis-respects another . So do justice to every one , respect every one and Saturn shall respect you and will show you the path to glory .

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

November Horoscope

October is about to end and November is about to begin , the current astrological positions of the Planets does not seem very favorable . Lets start with moon sign Aries .


People with aries moon sign shall see a dip in the physical energy , the conditions within home also does not look favorable , however they may win over enemies . Sun in the house of spouse and partnerships can create some difficulty with them , you need to watch your temper and your words as they may affect the relations . If the conditions at work place be not good they shall improve after 20 December .


The natives of this moon sign find struggling with there efforts , but they will win over there enemies , luck does not seems to support them . Keep patience and wait for some time to improve.


Problem with finances at work and at home are seen which shall take time to improve . The luck and the job area are weak at present which will improve by the end of December. Also at present you should watch your words because some heated argument can be seen . This is temporary shall be over within a month .


Not a very favorable condition for all Cancerians , i am myself a cancer , dip in the energy , problems at home and with the health of the mother and with partnerships . But the good thing is that you are putting your efforts be it at a slow pace . You need to regain your energy because this will bw there for some time all other problems shall be over within 2 months .


There is nothing so bad for leos at present except some little problems with friends or enemies which you are finding a little tough to overcome at present . You are not spending too much of your money which is also not bad , if still any problems persist shall be over by end of december .


Problems with your speech can be seen so you shuld also watch your words before speaking , some problems with children persist , this shall be over within two months , how ever any problems at working envoirnment shall take time , try to keep up your energy .


Physical energy down , luck not supporting and problems at work place can be seen . However expenses are low at present . All problems except some at work will be over this year. Try to maintain your energy levels .


Luck low on part but some source of income can be seen , also some rise in expenses can be seen . Any problems at home or with siblings shall improve by the end of the month after which your are of employment and work shall also improve .


If compared to other signs condition not too bad except some problem related to income and at home , which will be over by the end of this year . Watch your health for some blood related problems .


Problems with partnerships and within work environment can be seen . These problems will not be present for very long time . The new year shall solve some of your problems if present , not completely but yes to very much extent some will be solved .


Health problems are troubling you at present , should do some remedies for saturn , luck is also not favoring you at present , problems related to source of income shall be over by this year.


Problems related to income , health , and siblings are seen . Remedies for mars should be done however health will improve this year but not completely keep care of your liver , some problems can be seen for it .