Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Effects of Mars in Cancer

Mars is a planet that is considered for energy . Mars in Cancer is debilitated , that means it loses it's strength and does not give good results . At present mars in cancer is reducing the energy of people . Not very late after mars came in Cancer the atmosphere got cold , and debilitated Sun added to it's effect . Mars also rules some of the matters related to Earth , like vegetables etc . It is because of this mars that the floods took place and the prices of vegetables got up . Mars when moved into a watery sign ( that is Cancer ) and got debilitated gave rise to floods in India .

Mars also rules fire , thus because of it loosing it's benefic tendency the reports for fire have been reported . This Mars may also weaken the relationship with brothers as it rules them also. The bad effects of mars can be avoided by a balance of Energy and your mind , so that you use your energy in the correct direction , and also by worshiping Lord Hanuman.

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